Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
a way to bug out of here without getting
caught. Okay, it’s clear. Let’s bug out.

buickin. to vomit. (Onomatopoetic. Based
on the automobile name.)  Dave
buicked on the lawn and then stumbled
into the house. Oh, lordy! I feel like I’m
going to buick.

built like a brick shithouse 1. mod. per-
taining to a very strong and well-built
person. (Usually refers to a male. Refers
to the sturdiness of an outhouse [outdoor
toilet] built of brick rather than the tra-
ditional wooden outhouse. Usually ob-
jectionable.) Chuck is built like a brick
shithouse. The only fat on him is where his
brain ought to be. 2. mod. pertaining to
a beautiful and curvaceous woman.
(Refers to the imagined curving and un-
even walls of an outhouse built hastily
and carelessly of brick. This sense is a
misinterpretation of the first sense. Usu-
ally objectionable.) Look at that dame!
She’s really built like a brick shithouse.

bull 1. n. nonsense; bullshit. That’s just
a lot of bull. Don’t give me that bull! I
won’t buy it. 2. tv. & in. to lie to or de-
ceive someone. Stop bulling me! Is
she bulling again? 3. n. a police officer; a
private detective or guard. Here come
the bulls. Get out. And this bull comes
up and says, “Where’s the fire?”

bull bitch n. a strong and masculine
woman. (Rude and derogatory.) So,
this bull bitch walks up to me and says,
“Hey, buddy, got a match?”

bull-daggerGo to bulldiker.

bulldiker and bull-dagger; bulldykern.
a lesbian, especially if aggressive or mas-
culine. (Rude and derogatory.) Some
old bulldiker strutted in and ordered a beer
and a chaser.

bulldozetv. to apply pressure or force to
get someone to do something. Yo u
think you can bulldoze people into doing
what you want! Don’t bulldoze me! I
push back.

bulldykerGo to bulldiker.

bullet-stoppern. a U.S. Marine. (From the
Persian Gulf War.) The bullet-stoppers

shipped out before we even got to the
desert. About a dozen bullet-stoppers
came into the bar and the army guys tried
to start a fight.

bullheadedmod. stubborn. Don’t be so
bullheaded. You are the most bullheaded
man I’ve ever known.

bull-pucky[“bUlp@ki] 1. n. bull dung. 
Why didn’t you watch where you were go-
ing? Didn’t you expect to find bull-pucky
in a barnyard? How can you tell it’s
bull-pucky? 2. n. nonsense; bullshit. 
Don’t give me that bull-pucky! That’s all
just bull-pucky. Don’t believe a word of it.

bull sessionn. a session of casual conver-
sation. The gals were sitting around en-
joying a bull session. The bull session
ran on late into the night.

bullshit 1. n. lies; deception; hype; non-
sense. (Also an exclamation: Bullshit!
Widely known and used by both sexes.
Usually objectionable.) That’s just a lot
of bullshit! I’ve heard enough of your
bullshit. 2. tv. to deceive someone ver-
bally. (Usually objectionable.) Are you
trying to bullshit me? 3. in. to tell lies; to
hype and promote. (Usually objection-
able.) Can’t you stop bullshitting about
how good you are? 4. mod. false; decep-
tive. (Usually objectionable.) I’m sick
of those bullshit ads on TV.

bullshit artist and bullshittern. a person
expert at lies, deception, and hype. (See
bullshit.Usually objectionable.) What
can you expect from a bullshit artist? The

bullshitterGo to bullshit artist.

bullyrag[“bUlirAg] tv. & in. to harass some-
one. Don’t bullyrag me just because
you’re upset. Pete is bullyragging again.

bum 1. n. a vagrant; a good-for-nothing. 
You had better get your finances in order
unless you want to become a bum. There
is a bunch of bums on the corner, just do-
ing nothing. 2. mod. bad; faulty. This
is a bum fuse. No wonder it won’t run. 
The screw has a bum head and won’t turn.

  1. Go to bum something (off someone).


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