Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
been dating some bush pig from Adams-
ville. Who is that bush bitch I saw Tom
with last night?

bushed[bUSt] mod. exhausted. I am just
bushed. Another hard day! I am more
bushed than ever.

bush patrol 1. n. a session of necking and
petting. (Here patrol has the military
meaning of assignment.) Tom is out on
bush patrol tonight. I don’t know who
with. Martha and Paul spent the eve-
ning on bush patrol. 2. n. an imaginary
search through campus shrubbery to
flush out the necking couples. The
dean of women put on her housecoat and
went out on bush patrol. Bush patrol
starts at midnight, so be in by then.

bush pigGo to bush bitch.

business end (of something)n. the dan-
gerous end of something; the part of
something that does something as op-
posed to the part one holds on to. 
Harry burned himself on the business end
of a soldering iron. The robber pointed
the business end of the gun right at Kelly.

bust 1. n. a failure. The whole project was
a bust from the beginning. My whole life
is a bust. 2. tv. to reduce someone’s rank.
(Originally military, now also in civilian
use as with the police.) I’m going to
bust you to private! The brass busted her
on the spot. 3. n. a riotous drinking party.
There was a big bust in the park until
two in the morning. There was no beer
at the bust. Only wine. 4. n. a raid by the
police. The cops staged a bust on Max’s
place. I knew it was a bust the minute
they broke in the door. 5. tv. [for the po-
lice] to raid a place. The bacon busted
Bill’s bar and put Bill in the slammer. 
We’re gonna bust every bookie joint in
town. 6. tv. to arrest someone. The feds
finally busted Frank on a tax rap. A
smokey busted Fred for not having a tail-
light. 7. n. an arrest. The bust was car-
ried off without much stress. What a
bust! The man was hollering and the kids
were scoffing like mad. 8. tv. to inform on
someone, leading to an arrest. I guess
I busted Frank, but they threatened me. 
Tom busted Sam because there’s bad blood

between them. 9. n. the police. The bust
is gonna find you no matter where you
hole up. Here comes the bust. Beat it!

  1. Go to busted.

bustan. a punk; a jerk. (From the nick-
name buster.) Yo, Busta! Tsup?

bust a gut (to do something)tv. to make
a great effort (to do something). (Usually
objectionable.) I busted a gut trying to
get just the thing you wanted! Don’t bust
a gut, but try to get here on time.
bust a movetv. to leave (a place). Let’s
go. Time to bust a move. Let’s bust a
move. Lots to do tomorrow.

bust-assGo to kick-ass.

bust ass (out of some place)Go to bag
ass (out of some place).

busted 1. and bustmod. arrested. Max
is bust again. The third time this month.
I got busted for speeding. 2. mod. alco-
hol intoxicated. I went to a beer bust
and got busted. Jim is busted again—
really boiled.

bust (one’s) ass (to do something) and
break one’s balls (to do something);
bust one’s butt (to do something);
bust one’s nuts (to do something)tv.
to work very hard to do something; to
work very hard at something. (Usually
objectionable.) You get down there and
bust your ass to get the job done right! You
hear me? Come on, you guys! Let’s bust
ass! Get busy! I’ve been busting my butt
at this job for 30 years and look where it’s
got me!
bust one’s butt to do somethingGo to
bust (one’s) ass (to do something).

bust one’s nuts to do somethingGo to
bust (one’s) ass (to do something).

bust on someone or somethingn. to at-
tack someone or a group. These three
guys busted on Bubba and broke his arm.

bust someone onetv. to punch someone;
to give someone a punch, probably in the
face. You better shut up, or I’ll bust you
one! You want me to bust you one? I will
if you do that again.


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