Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
He keeps a chillum in his stash. Ernie
carries a chillum with him. He’s trying to
sell it.

chillyGo to chill.

chinan. the teeth. (See also ivories.) I
spent a damn fortune trying to get this
china fixed up. If you would brush your
china every day, you’d be okay.

China white 1. and Chinese whiten.
pure or nearly pure heroin. (Drugs.) 
Beware of that China white. You never
see Chinese white anymore. There’s too
many other kinds of junk for anybody to
bother with it. 2. n. fentanyl, a synthetic
narcotic analgesic. (Drugs.) That Chi-
nese white can paralyze your lungs. All
the hopheads I know of stay away from
China white.

Chinese redn. heroin. (Drugs.) Chinese
red is really high quality. No, Chinese
red is cheap.

Chinese whiteGo to China white.

chin musicn. talk; idle chatter. That’s
enough chin music back there. Okay,
chum, make with the chin music. Let’s
have the whole story.

chintzy[“tSIntsi] 1. mod. cheap; shoddy. 
Nobody’s gonna buy this chintzy stuff.
Throw it out. What a chintzy car! The
door fell off! 2. mod. stingy; miserly. 
The chintzy guy left me no tip! Don’t
be chintzy. Give the man a dollar for a cup
of coffee.

chin-waggingn. chatting; talking a lot. 
I can’t hear the movie because of all the

chipGo to (bargaining) chip.

chipper 1. mod. jolly, fresh, and alert.
(Standard English.) Well, you look
chipper this morning. This chipper
young man will show you around. 2. mod.
alcohol intoxicated. Larry here is chip-
per already! A glass of wine will make
her chipper almost immediately. 3. and
chippie; chippy (user)n. an occasional
user of an addictive drug. (Drugs.) The
chippy users rarely end up in the hospital.
Who can stay a chippie very long?

chippieGo to chipper; chippy.
chippyand chippie 1. n. a part-time pros-
titute. Yeah, so I’m a chippie. So what’s
that make you? Some little chippie
stopped us to ask for a match. How ama-
teurish. 2. in. to play around sexually. 
She won’t even chippie. So me and my
boyfriend was chippying a little in the hall.
Why was ya watching?
chippy aroundin. to be sexually promis-
cuous. She has been known to chippy
around, but not with just anyone and
never for money. She figures it’s her
right to chippy around.
chippy-chasern. a man who chases sexu-
ally loose women. He tried to be such
a charmer—you know, a chippy-chaser,
but he is so inept. Frank used to be a
chippy-chaser, but the scag has him sort of
debilitated these days.
chippy (user)Go to chipper.
chips 1. n. money. (See also (bargaining)
chip.) I managed to put away a few
chips when I worked for Acme Systems. 
She saved some chips over the years and
bought herself a little place on the beach.

  1. n. a carpenter. (Also a term of ad-
    dress.) Tell our chips to come up here
    and put in a new f loorboard. Tell me,
    chips, how fast can you build a coffin?
    chisel[“tSIzl] tv. & in. to extort (money). 
    Lefty tried to chisel forty bucks outa me. 
    He’s always chiseling. That’s his hustle.
    chiselern. a small-time crook; a cheater.
    (Originally underworld. Also a rude term
    of address.) You dirty, two-bit chiseler!
    Give me my money back! Why did you
    trust a known chiseler like him?
    chismGo to jism.
    chit[tSIt] 1. n. a bill or tabulation of
    charges that one signs rather than paying.
    I don’t have any cash. Can I sign a chit
    for it? Fred came in to pay for his chits
    about once a week. 2. n. a check. She
    wrote out a chit for the balance due. I
    have your chit for the full amount.
    chitchat[“tSIttSAt] 1. n. talk; idle talk. 
    That’s enough chitchat. Please get to work.
    Please stop the chitchat there in the back

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