The Career Portfolio Workbook

(Ron) #1
Picture of his new house. This picture of a house that he and his wife
recently bought in a Boston suburb can be used as a prop to discuss his
commitment to the Boston area, and to mention that his wife, who has
joined a local architecture practice, feels the same way.
E: Experience
Residency review. This verifies his excellent all-around experience and
performance as a resident in a very busy OB/GYN setting.
A: Accomplishments
Administrative chief recognition letter. This letter verifies his excellent
leadership skills in a very challenging and busy setting.
Collage of logos from medical journals.This can be used as a prop to
discuss research he did that was published in prestigious journals. If
the interviewer seems particularly interested in one or more of the top-
ics, copies of actual articles can be sent to the interviewer after the in-
terview. Zachary might also store copies of article abstracts inside the
plastic sheet protector, between the front and back display documents.
He could pull these out if the interviewer seemed interested in his re-
search. He could also store actual copies of these articles elsewhere in
his portfolio carrying case. By doing so, he could leave one behind after
the interview, if appropriate.
K: Knowledge
Letter on grand rounds presentation.This demonstrates his knowledge
of the latest findings in his field.
Med-BiZ curriculum.This shows the breadth of his training in the
business and management aspects of private practice.
S: Skills
Certificate for laser cosmetics course.This certificate also gives evi-
dence of an advanced surgical skill not usually received during an
OB/GYN residency.
Certificate for laparoscopy course.This certificate also gives evidence of
an advanced surgical skill.

162 Part II: Examples of Targeted Portfolios

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