in the computer industry. Here are the desired P.E.A.K.S. she learned
about in this informational interview:
Personal Characteristics
Quick and dedicated learner
Professional presence
Well organized
Good planner
Teaching experience at elementary level
Initiative taken outsideof classroom
Elementary school curricula
Role of educational software in curriculum
Master’s degree in education
Selling skills
Presentation skills
Writing skills
Using the above information, Karen was able to create a P.E.A.K.S.
resume that got her a job interview with Edu-Soft.
Karen’s goal is to be able to present her qualifications in a way that
establishes her ability to make a quick and successful transition to this
new career. She wants the interviewer to know that not only would she
be productive shortly after taking this job, she would also be an excep-
tional performer in the future.
To do this she will want to be able to demonstrate that she has
strengths in the advertised formal requirements, and that she would
bring other very valuable P.E.A.K.S. to this job, as well.
Through the informational interview she did with her former
classmate, Karen was able to learn not only what the desired P.E.A.K.S.
are but also whythese P.E.A.K.S. are considered important. The fol-
lowing P.E.A.K.S. she learned were considered particularly important
for a “career switcher,”like Karen, to be able to demonstrate:
Quick and dedicated learner.This is an important trait for everyone
to have in the computer industry, but particularly important for a
Karen Cresson: Changing Careers 207