medical education at one of the large teaching hospitals that she would
be responsible for, if promoted, to discuss the kind of management ed-
ucation that would be desirable for this hospital’s residents. Together,
she and the director created an outline of the topics that should be cov-
ered in a series of workshops on the business of medicine.
Amanda has good ideas, but she is up against very stiff competi-
tion. She knows of at least six other sales representatives who have ap-
plied for this highly coveted position. All of these sales reps have been
with the company seven or more years. They have more pharmaceuti-
cal experience, more company knowledge, and because of their greater
longevity, more long-standing friendships with decision makers within
the company. All of these factors are working against Amanda.
Amanda wants to find a way to impress upon the district sales
manager who will interview her that she has great ideas and is a per-
former who catches on quickly and gets the job done. Prior to coming to
Rx Pharmaceutical, she had many successes in her two previous mar-
keting and sales jobs and she has been an outstanding performer in her
present job. Her experience is that of being successful when given new
opportunities in the general area of marketing and sales.
And so, she decides to create a portfolio to demonstrate that she
can do whatever is needed to be successful in this new job.
The institutional manager position that Amanda is applying for was
posted as follows:
Reporting to the District Sales Manager, the Institutional Manager is re-
sponsible for achieving sales forecasts, promoting products, and selling
these products to assigned institutions, key accounts and key customers.
This is accomplished by establishing mutually beneficial, long-term busi-
ness relationships with influential residents, fellows, attending physi-
cians, pharmacists, and health care providers who are key to the sales suc-
cess of promoted products. The Institutional Manager is also responsible
for coordinating hospital sales strategies with appropriate teammates to
maximize sales in the district and in assigned institutions. Additionally,
the Institutional Manager is responsible for conducting large-scale educa-
tional workshops and facilitating national and regional meetings.
Amanda already reports to the district sales manager, Frank DePeters,
who will be interviewing candidates for the institutional manager po-
sition. Because she has a solid professional relationship with DePeters,
Amanda already has some thoughts about the P.E.A.K.S. that DePeters
most values in sales representatives at her level. But, since this would
be a promotion to a new job at a higher level, Amanda does an infor-
mational interview with an institutional manager who has won sever-
al company awards and who also reports to DePeters. She learns dur-
224 Part II: Examples of Targeted Portfolios