Crack propagation
Crack propagation
Crack propagation
Figure 6: Unbalanced force evolution process at crack tips.
that the yield function value is positive. As the DRT states,
unbalanced force is a set of the equivalent nodal forces of
stress exceeding the yield function, which can be termed as
the driving force of time-dependent deformation.
Unbalanced force is also involved in structural crack
the concept of continuum damage mechanics, the damage
variable is usually related to equivalent plastic strain, that is,
the accumulation of time-dependent deformation. A classical
definition of damage variable is휙=1−퐴/퐴,where퐴is total
area and퐴is intact area [ 27 , 28 ]. Effective stress tensor in
the undamaged configuration is determined by the damage
variable and the nominal Cauchy stress tensor [ 29 , 30 ]as
(1 − 휙)
2 , (13)
where휎푖푗is the effective stress tensor and휎푖푗is the nominal
Cauchy stress tensor.