Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
What to Do if the Diet Fails 149

nutrients. This becomes a self-perpetuating problem because a lack of
these nutrients makes the allergy problem worse. Over a long period such
deficiencies can become very serious.
We call this condition malabsorption and it is essentially the same
problem as celiac disease. Doctors recognize that it occurs with gluten-
sensitivity and yet point-blank refuse to accept that it can happen with any
other kind of allergy or intolerance.
The whole body depends for its proper functioning on correct
and adequate nutrition; therefore it is not surprising if you feel unwell
when lacking essential vitamins and minerals. You may need to take extra
supplements early on (as a rule we defer this step until you have tracked
down all your hidden allergies). Try the effects of taking some basic
nutrients. If you experience any improvement, build on this with a much
wider supplementation.
Ignore all stupid advice that everything you need is present in a
“balanced diet.” Even if that were true (it is not), it is of little concern if
you are not absorbing properly what you swallow.

Endocrine disorders

Many people feel unwell because of undiagnosed hormonal problems. Many
women say they feel worse at period time and, of course, the menopause
is a classic time for feeling bad. Most of this is cleared up automatically,
once you have sorted out your own best diet. However, it does remain a
persistent trouble for some. Occasionally, hormone supplements are the
only answer.
Thyroid disease goes undiagnosed even more often. Women with
allergies are especially prone to a condition known as auto-immune thyroid
disease. This is basically an allergy to her own thyroid gland tissues and
extracts. Performance may step up (over-active thyroid) or get worse (under-
active). In either event, health is far from optimum.
Treatment for such conditions is outside the scope of this book.
You may be able to help your doctor diagnose thyroid insufficiency by
keeping a basal temperature chart. Take your temperature every morning
before rising, rectally is best, and record the results. If it is consistently
below 97.5 (F) or 36.5 (C), this suggests thyroid deficiency. The only really
reliable test for auto-immune thyroid disease is an immuno-assay for thyroid
antibodies. Discuss it with your doctor.

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