Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1

156 Diet Wise

I consider it proper to utilize sick leave to carry out a
fasting procedure. It is quite legitimate to say you were
absent due to illness, because it is in fact true (though
it would be better to put your illness on the claim
form, rather than write ‘fasting,’ which is likely to be
misunderstood). It is important not to abuse these
new privileges, but at the same time you are making
a bona fide effort to get well, and – who knows? – in
the long run it may result in less absence from work.
It is probably best to avoid contact with strangers where
lengthy explanations would be difficult or embarrassing.
But your family and friends, who ought to support you,
can be the object of a visit or companions for a number
of activities; just steer clear of any hostility or scorn.


If you find yourself with stubborn constipation on a fast, you may need to
consider an enema. It is vital to clear the bowel of all residues, in order to
succeed. Sometimes this does not occur spontaneously and you may need
mechanical assistance.
Try Epsom salts first, or a gentle infusion of senna pods. If this
doesn’t work, then arrange an enema. Remember, even if you fasted for
as much as three weeks, without adequate bowel movements, it would be
useless: not a fast at all, so far as clearing the body is concerned!

How to come off a fast

OK, you have carried out the fast for five days minimum and you feel good.
Now you can start re-introducing foods. Instructions for doing this step
correctly are even more important than for carrying out the fast itself.
The secret to getting the best outcome is to begin with foods which
are most unlikely to be a problem. We want to build a platform of safe foods as
quickly as possible. Understand this: if you do get a reaction to a test food
and it causes symptoms as a result, you will have to wait until the reaction
clears up before going on to the next item. While this is not a disaster, it will
certainly be most inconvenient: the last thing we want is for you to have to
fast for several more days while the symptoms clear!

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