Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Fast: Only if You Must 157

So we begin with fairly exotic items on the first day. Choose foods
you wouldn’t normally eat or never have. The table below offers some
suggestions, but it is important that you understand you are free to pick
your own menu. Add three new foods a day maximum. If a food is safe, you may
repeat it again as often as you like; so, for example, if salmon is OK you may
eat it at every meal along with each new test food until you get bored with
it. However, as always, it is better to not be too repetitious – once you have
several choices available, make the changes.
After just four days you will have a fallback position of around a
dozen safe foods. You won’t starve!
From then onwards, test your more usual foods but once again
start with those that you consider relatively unlikely troublemakers (meat,
fruit and vegetables). Don’t risk wheat, milk, coffee, eggs or other ‘bogey’
foods at this stage, no matter how much you miss them. Try to expand your
available diet as far as possible before getting too adventurous.
Finally, of course, you must face up to introducing the probable
villains. Remember the reactions can be surprisingly severe. Don’t forget to
warn your family or friends about this point in advance. If you are unlucky
enough to have a bad reaction and – after all, in a way, that’s what we are
seeking – continue eating the foods so far found safe. Take the Epsom salts and
bicarbonate mixture described on page 000. Just stop testing new foods
until you feel well again; then continue.

Suggested Schedule of Food Tests After a Fast

Days 1– 4 No food

Day 5 Breakfast Poached salmon
Lunch Mango (plus salmon)
Dinner Spinach (plus salmon and mango)

Day 6 Breakfast Baked pheasant, partridge or rabbit (+
salmon, mango, etc.)
Lunch Kiwi fruit
Dinner Steamed zucchini or squash

Day 7 Breakfast Lamb chop
Lunch Sweet potato
Dinner Banana (plus all the above)
and so on.

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