Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1

10 Diet Wise

Resistance from the medical establishment

Sadly, the history of medicine does not reflect this responsibility: the first
users of anesthetics were struck off as frauds; antisepsis was scorned
by surgeons who went on operating in their top hats and coat tails; and
Dr. Semmelweis of Vienna was abused to the point of suicide for daring
to suggest that doctors wash their hands before examining women in
childbed, which demonstrably reduced deadly puerperal fever. Nearer our
own time, penicillin, arguably the greatest drug of all time, was ignored for
years as a discovery when it could have saved millions of lives. Even today,
homoeopathy, which cures gently by taking into account the whole person
as opposed to merely a part, is fought against with blind fury by doctors
who have never tried or tested the efficacy of any of its remedies.
You may think I write bitterly about the resistance to this new work,
and you are right, of course. I have had my share of scorn and ridicule from
colleagues who never once took the trouble to visit my office and see if the
work I did was really valid. But what distresses me most is the disparagement
and abuse that patients themselves sometimes have to undergo because of
their food incompatibilities. So many times I have had before me sad and
dispirited human beings who break into tears of relief when they realize
that someone, at last, is willing to listen to their problems and believe them.
As a rule they have been scolded or told they were neurotic and ‘imagining’
things. Many of them feel they are a burden to their family doctor when, in
some cases, the opposite seems to be true.
I know from the fact that every time I speak on the radio or one
of our cases is featured in the press we are deluged with calls that very
many people are anxious for help and don’t know where to get it. That is why
this book came to be written. If your own doctor refuses to help, there
is little you can do except try to sort things out for yourself. Perhaps this
do-it-yourself volume will enable you to do just that. I make no claims to
breakthrough discoveries in the field of allergies, but the method which
follows is my own, developed over a quarter of a century, and is offered
freely to whomever is in need of it.
Within weeks, or even days, you could be free of a chronic or
lifelong affliction. Without exaggeration, the lame can walk again, the
respiratory cripple can breathe, the sickly and weak become strong, pain
and misery diminish to but a memory. It really is a miracle: hundreds of
thousands of cases from all over the world attest to it.
Now you too can become truly diet wise.

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