Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
Candida and The Human Microbiome 261

bowel flora and as much as two thirds of the weight of faeces. Top brand
“probiotics”, as these flora supplements are known, now include primarily
Bifidobacteria. Look for those that provide human-strain acidophilus;
logically these are more likely to establish themselves in the human colon.
The NCFM strain of Lactobacillus is favored currently, because of
its ability to survive stomach acid after ingestion and is chosen for whole-
genome sequencing, which contains 1,864 predicted protein-encoding
genes, including human-friendly enzymes. This is a measure of how
much and how fast nutrigenomics is taking over in the field of healthy
diet. The NCFM strain has been used safely for over twenty-five years and
there is scientific evidence it can modulate immune activity. [Appl Environ
Microbiol. 2005 August; 71(8): 4925–4929. doi: 10.1128/AEM.71.8.4925-
One important point: whichever preparation you buy, please
remember that pill manufacture, a process which crushes the organisms,
naturally kills most of the viable bacteria. Choose a supply from a
manufacturer who makes a point of preventing this destructive occurrence.
Finally, please remember: just swallowing probiotics and doing
nothing else is no more a sensible approach to health than taking pills and
medicines. It’s a whole-body act of eating well, good lifestyle, wise choices
and gradually building back the damaged microbiome.
Other probiotics you might consider include these:
Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) contains the beneficial microbes
leuconostoc, pediococcus, and lactobacillus. Choose unpasteurized
sauerkraut because pasteurization (used to treat most supermarket
sauerkraut) kills active, beneficial bacteria. Sauerkraut -- and the similar but
spicy Korean dish, kimchi -- is also loaded with immune-boosting vitamins
that may help ward off infection.
Miso: a popular breakfast food in Japan, this fermented soybean
paste really can get your digestive system moving. Probiotic-filled miso
reportedly contains more than 160 bacteria strains. It’s often used to make
a salty soup that is low in calories and high in B vitamins and protective
Tempeh could work. Made from a base of fermented soybeans,
this Indonesian patty produces a type of natural antibiotic that fights certain
bacteria. In addition, tempeh is very high in protein. Its flavor has often
been described as smoky, nutty, and similar to a mushroom. Tempeh can be
marinated and used in meals in place of meat.

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