Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
Brain Allergies 85

Miscellaneous neurological conditions improve

Beyond purely brain allergy, certain conditions of the nerves and muscles
are also worth investigating with my diet technique. You have probably
heard that multiple sclerosis (MS) can be aggravated by food and other
allergies. In those early years there were few of us working on that problem
but the results were sometimes impressive. I have had cases get up from
wheelchairs and at times it seemed like a miracle. In fact it was so hard
to believe that we probably attracted a lot of unnecessary hostility from
colleagues by even attempting to improve this condition.
But the logic is simple. If nerve tissue is inflamed and non-functional
but not dead, then it may recover useful function. One of the commonest
provocations of inflammation is allergies and therefore unburdening
allergies, especially foods, was likely to be beneficial. The inflammation dies
down, the nerves work once more and the patient regains the ability to
walk normally. Heavy metal toxicity is another potent cause of provocation,
The settling of the inflammation model would also probably
suffice to explain other neurological recoveries, from ALS and motor
neurone disease, or Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s. I’ve helped them all,
many times, but I could never get a clear marker for who would respond
and who wouldn’t. If you or a loved one has one of these conditions, I can
only say it is worth giving the diet a try. As I used to reason with patients,
even if science eventually proved it could help only one in a hundred cases,
you would be very happy if you were that hundredth person!

Muscular dystrophy

Finally in this section, I’d like to share another of my miracle cases that
left me in awe and with a wonderful sense of being blessed and helped
by higher forces. It concerns a young 6-year-old boy called Ryan, with
muscular dystrophy. This is a progressive condition of muscular weakness
and wasting, which starts in the legs and pelvis and later affects the whole
body, usually resulting in early death due to respiratory or heart failure. It is
a genetic disorder, either inherited or caused by a gene mutation, and affects
males almost exclusively.
There is no question Ryan had this disorder. It shows up before
the 6th year of life and the first thing that parents notice, usually, is the child
using his arms and hands to push himself upright, instead of leg muscles.

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