72 7 - 20August 2019
Spotifystopped my PC
shutting down
Like the winner ofyour
Star Email in Issue479, I
discovered Spotify
throughyour magazine.
However, I accidentally
discovered something
surprising about the program,too.
When shutting downmy PC, a
message flashed up brieflystating that
Spotifywas pr eventing the operation.
This was strange because I hadn’t been
using the program.When I next booted
up, I checked theStartup section in the
Task Manager and therewas Spotify.
Even more surprising is that itwas
showing high disk usageeven thoughI
hadn’t downloaded anything. I decided
it was timeto disable it!
J Zarach, Market Drayton
Whycan’t Microsoft get
updates right?
I purchased Issue478 of your magazine
(bit.ly/webuser4 78 ) after seeing ‘Install
the Windows 10 May Update’ on the
cover. Silly me.
Followingyour instructions, I opened
the Microsoftwebsite using the bit.ly
link, and Microsoftconfirmed thatmy PC
was suitablefor the update. After
downloading it, whichtook about two
hours, I thenstarted the installation.This
took three hoursto get to 30%, then
stopped and displayed the message:
“uninstalling changes madeto your PC”.
After another hour, the PCrestarted
without the update.
Foolishly, I decidedto give the update
another try the next day in case itwas
just a glitch, but the same thing
happened.That’s 12 hours ofmy life I’ll
never get back! Canyou please ask
Microsoft why it’s incapable of producing
a Windows update that works?
I’d lo ve to use an operating system that
doesn’t involve all this time-wasting. I
installed Google ChromeOS on my wife’ s
laptop because shewas sick ofWindows
interrupting her with updates. I would do
the same, but I don’twant Googleto
trackmy every move,
This problemwas highlighted inyour
‘Who’swatching you online’cover
feature in the same issue ofyour
Quiz Answers: Issue 480
The Isles of Scilly
was interested to read your
news story in Issue 479
about the new service that
lets you get aPAC code by
text message (‘You can now
switch mobile provider by text
message’,bit.ly/webuser4 79 ).
My existingcontract with
Three terminates at the end of
August, so Ifound out how
much itwould cost to te rminate
early.Then I sent atext, as described
in your article.
The text was quickly acknowledged,
but rather thanreceiving aPAC code I
was directedto Th ree’s customer
serviceteam in India. An agent then
spent 30 minutes ignoringmy request
and tryingto sell me new services. In
the end I became angry.The agent
Three won’t give me my switching code
told me aPAC code would be sent within
an hour, but it never arrived.
The next day I visited a localThree
shop, where Iwas told that they had
no authorityto issue acode and that
I’d ha ve to co ntact India again.When I
did so, Iface d the same bullying and
terminated the call.
This is precisely the sort of behaviour
the new service is supposedto prevent.
Should Ireport this abuseto Ofcom?
Tony Steele, via email
Web Usersays:Three is one of the
mobile networks that signed upfor
Ofcom’s Text-to-Switch service, so it
should have givenyou your PAC code
via text message without argument.
However, thesystem has only just
been introduced, so it’s possible that
there arestill a few teething problems.
Ofcom’s rulesstate thatThree must
issueyour PAC within twoworking
days of your request or give areason
for not doing so. Ifyou continueto
have trouble obtainingyour PAC
code, you cancomplainto Ofcom
by phoning0300 123 3000 or filling
in the online monitoringform at
Star Email
You can let us know your views via:
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