political science

(Wang) #1
Finally, it is increasingly recognized that an adequate theory of the state can only

be produced as part of a wider theory of society. But this is precisely where weWnd
many of the unresolved problems of state theory. For the state is the site of a

paradox. On the one hand, it is just one institutional ensemble among others
within a social formation; on the other, it is peculiarly charged with overall

responsibility for maintaining the cohesion of the formation of which it is a part.
As both part and whole of society, it is continually asked by diverse social forces to
resolve society’s problems and is equally continually doomed to generate ‘‘state

failure’’ since many problems lie well beyond its control and may even be aggra-
vated by attempted intervention. Many diVerences among state theories are rooted

in contrary approaches to various structural and strategic moments of this para-
dox. Trying to comprehend the overall logic (or, perhaps, ‘‘illogic’’) of this paradox

could provide a productive entry point for resolving some of these diVerences and
providing a more comprehensive analysis of the strategic-relational character of the

state in a polycentric social formation.


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