political science

(Wang) #1

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Ashwandervs.Tennessee Valley Authority[ 1936 ]. 297 U.S. 288.
Brownvs.Board of Education[ 1954 ]. 347 U.S. 483.

Dred Scottvs.Sandford[ 1857 ]. 19 How. 393.
Elkgrove UniWed School Districtvs.Newdow[ 2004 ]. 542 U.S. 1.

Immigration and Naturalization Servicevs.Chadha[ 1983 ]. 462 U.S. 919.
Lochnervs.New York[ 1905 ]. 198 U.S. 45.

Mirandavs.Arizona[ 1966 ]. 384 U.S. 436.

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