Travels in a Tin Can

(Kiana) #1

By the time we had unpacked it was about 6pm - which felt like 11pm
to us due to the time difference from the UK - and all we wanted to do was
crash out. However, we knew that in order to get over our jet lag we had to try
to go to sleep at a time at least approaching sensible for the time zone we
were in, so we endeavoured to stay up for four more hours - of which we
managed three. We also knew that we should try and eat, although a
combination of changing time zone and being fed "multi-meals" (??) on our
flight meant that our appetites were somewhat dulled. We asked the hotel
staff for a recommendation and they pointed us across the street to a
Pizzeria, the exotically named Belmora.

When we reached the restaurant we were rather dubious about going in as it
had a distinctly "greasy-spoon" feel, however, it was full of people and
popularity tends to be a good sign when it comes to eateries, as people do not
tend to be "just browsing". By the time we went in and approached the
counter our appetites had been sharpened by the aromas coming from the
kitchen. In fact, we were ravenous and planned to share a whole pizza -
although the prices seemed high for the type of restaurant. In fact seeing the
menu outside had given us another headache about our budgeting. On top of
the larger than expected taxi bill we now imagined that one-week would
bankrupt us, let alone 13 weeks. Fortunately we saw the size of the pizza
before we ordered and settled on three slices between us - and we only just
managed to finish these!
Five minutes later we were settled at our plastic table beneath baskets
of imitation flowers, happily munching excellent pizza topped with whole

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