Travels in a Tin Can

(Kiana) #1

Sometimes, however, the unappetizing nature of the food we ordered
was not just cosmetic. There was the time we tried the innovative KFC buffet
in Biloxi. It contained all the usual suspects, wings, thighs, drumsticks, but
also a selection of smaller deep fried treats. These turned out to be gizzards,
livers and kidneys - and also some tube shaped pieces.... allegedly courgette!
Being me I tried it anyway, I will try anything once. There was also the time
when we ordered 'dessert pizza' from a delivery service. Our thinking was,
'that's unusual, let’s try that'. Our thinking should have been, 'never seen
dessert pizza before. Bound to be weird, let's not order that'. We got seduced
by the novelty of the dish, wondering 'what could it be?' What it was was
custard, on toast (well, soggy dough!) Not good, but again 'eyes open' and all
our own fault. Sometimes however we did not get what we expected, even if it
was what we ordered.
In New York every street corner has a man selling coffee and pretzels,
doughnuts and other such treats, often with deals such as coffee and a
doughnut for $1. Every corner also has Starbucks as well, with similar
offerings but very different prices. We could see these mobile vendors from
our hotel window, but most days we elected to have the complimentary
breakfast of bagels and coffee with our fellow guests. One morning however
we gave into the temptation to buy breakfast on the hoof, having discovered
that that day's bagels tasted like (and probably were) last week's.
When we asked the guy manning the coffee cart for the dollar deal he
gestured to a variety of snacks we could choose from to have with our coffee.
They all looked a bit strange but the most appetizing one resembled a twist
doughnut - like a Yum Yum. We selected this but soon discovered it was

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