Travels in a Tin Can

(Kiana) #1

or at least our jeans do).
Emma had gone on a Mississippi jazz cruise before and thoroughly
enjoyed it. You may be wondering if there was anything on our trip that Emma
had not done before, and if not, why do so much again? Well, the answer to
the first question is yes, there were things that she had not done before. On
top of this, her memory really sucks – so she was happy to do the things that
she had done before as well. The river trip from her youth had had dinner
included and she had not enjoyed this aspect of the trip, as the food had been
too spicy. Perhaps she would fare better with a brunch; surely bacon and
eggs would not be served up sprinkled with chilli...? Unfortunately we did not
get to find out the answer to this question because the next day's cruise was
cancelled and, as we only had one more day in New Orleans we decided to
give it a miss. Instead we elected to walk back to the French Quarter via the
river. At least the walk down to the river had not been entirely wasted, the
exercise helped our food go down – at least a little bit.
On the way back to the Quarter we spotted a crowd and, braving
disappointment again, we hurried over. This time we were approaching the
back of the crowd and could not see what they were watching until we got
there. For all we knew it could have been a dead body, a car accident or -
worst of all - the dodgy ‘we can not start our show' entertainers from the
morning. Our fears were realized when we got to the crowd, it was the same
youths, except this time the show had got off the ground. We found a space to
watch from and it actually turned out to be a fairly fun mix of break dancing,
acrobatics and comedy. They were quite talented - the finale was a flip over
the top of seven people lying down. A concrete sign of their skill was that they

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