Travels in a Tin Can

(Kiana) #1

normal sized, and very amused when Emma told her she had expected a
giant. The toilets were like thrones with a large step up to them, essentially
they were glorified porta-potties, and under the throne was the holding tank.
This we discovered to our displeasure later in the day when walking by a toilet
block while staff drained them. The other thing about these toilets was that to
flush them required the user to step on a foot pedal. Fine, except you need
your full body weight and small children cannot manage it. This Emma also
learned while meeting her ‘giant’ because the other cubicle, where no head
and shoulders was observed, was occupied by the lady's kid - not, as Emma
initially surmised, by a normal-sized adult.

Nine times out of ten I expect our toilet stops were quite mundane, but it is
always the unusual things that stick in your mind. And at least the visits
described above gave us something to laugh about - even if not at the time.
Perhaps they will make a Carry On film about it one day...

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