Travels in a Tin Can

(Kiana) #1

year before and recreated one of these by visiting the same restaurant and
having the same meal again.
The second evening spent outside the Universal Studios complex was
at a dinner show Arabian Nights. This show was a freebie, offered in return for
listening to a 90-minute time-share spiel. The tickets were worth $100, so it
seemed too good a deal to turn down really. The timeshare spiel took place
far too early in the morning - starting at 8 am - and went on far too long, two
and a half hours. However, we emerged victorious, having eaten a free
breakfast, received our show tickets plus nine drinks tickets, and, more
importantly, having not signed up for timeshare. The process was not without
trauma though.
First of all we had to lie and pretend to be married, then we had to give
contact telephone numbers for back home (for which my recently cancelled
mobile number sufficed), then we had to endure the spiel. The psychology
used was at times interesting to observe, at other times plain laughable. For
example our 'seller', the hairy-lipped Betty began proceedings by showing us
photos of her family. Then, having explained the system and 'got to know us',
we were shown some of the condos. They were admittedly very nice, and
filled with the aroma - and actual presence - of freshly baked cookies. More
amateur psychology followed when Betty failed to get us to sign up, either
with the sums or her sad face and tear filled eyes. In fact, she stopped just
short of 'but I have ten small children to feed!' We were left to stew for some
time, and then Betty’s boss came over.
She was by far better looking than Betty and the situation was akin to a
scene in Friends when Chandler's plans to quit his gym are foiled by a

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