Travels in a Tin Can

(Kiana) #1

5 - Frisco

Getting back to civilization had definite advantages. It was easier to find
places to eat and email and we no longer felt like the last humans alive
following a nuclear disaster. Sadly there were disadvantages too. We had to
deal with busier roads, crowds and lots more noise. In fact when we left San
Francisco four days later we were quite keen to get back to quieter living.

As we drove back to San Francisco the roads got more crowded and also
more difficult to navigate. In order to accommodate extra cars in the city the
decision appeared to have been taken to make more lanes on the roads. A
laudable suggestion except that the roads have not been widened, the lanes
have just been narrowed. This made for some rather hairy moments
especially because we hit San Fran at rush hour.
Mercifully we survived this traffic baptism of fire and headed straight to
our campsite. We stayed at Candlestick RV Park, which was the closest one
to the City centre and in the shadow of the 49ers stadium (the local NFL
football team). The campsite was more like a large car park, but it did have
good clean facilities and, although it was in a dodgy part of the suburbs, it was
secure. The staff, all oriental, was very friendly. They insisted on referring to
us by our formal names: 'Mr & Mrs England', and engaging us in conversation
about our home by asking: 'how is the London fog?'. They also informed us
that they provided a shuttle service to the city centre.
As soon as we arrived at the campsite we left. This was not the first, or
last time that we did this, however on this occasion we were happy with the

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