Travels in a Tin Can

(Kiana) #1

proportion to the sight. At one point we saw fields of pumpkins and had a very
animated conversation about them, along the lines of:
Me: 'Did you see that?’
Emma: ‘Yes.‘
‘That was pumpkins.’
‘And it is after Halloween.’
‘Do they celebrate Halloween here?’
‘Yes, just ask Jamie Lee Curtis.’
‘Pumpkins, just sat there in rows.’
‘Well I never'.
Ok, so it was more like an animated monologue than a conversation, but
Emma was concentrating on the road and so polysyllabic responses were a
little beyond her. In addition to this it was early morning, and Emma is not a
morning person so I was actually fairly lucky to get words rather than grunts in
response to my random babbling.
We also invented stories about people we saw if we had not seen
anyone for a while. For example we saw a man crossing the road and then
crossing back whilst carrying a surfboard. Doubtless he was probably just
going back to get his trunks or something, but we imagined he was going to
spend his whole day going back and forth having decided that traffic-surfing
afforded a more extreme sporting experience than the regular kind of surfing.
Exciting though these observations were, we never stopped for them.

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