Digital Marketing Handbook

(ff) #1

Video search 62


We can distinguish two basic types of interfaces, some are web pages hosted on servers which are accessed by
Internet and searched through the network, and the others are computer programs that search within a private


Within Internet interfaces we can find repositories that host video files which incorporate a search engine that
searches only their own databases, and video searchers without repository that search in sources of external software.

Repository with video searcher "Dailymotion"

Repositories with video searcher

Provides accommodation in video files stored on its servers and
usually has an integrated search engine that searches through videos
uploaded by its users. One of the first web repositories, or at least the
most famous are the portals Vimeo, Dailymotion and YouTube.
Their searches are often based on reading the metadata tags, titles and
descriptions that users assign to their videos. The disposal and order
criterion of the results of these searches are usually selectable between
the file upload date, the number of viewings or what they call the
relevance. Still, sorting criterion are now a days the main weapon of
these websites, because in terms of promotion is very important the
positioning that they can give to your video.

Video searchers repositories
They are websites specialized in searching videos across the network or certain pre-selected repositories. They work
by web spiders that inspect the network in an automated way to create copies of the visited websites, which will then
be indexed by search engines, so they can provide faster searches.

Private Network

Functioning scheme

You can also find the case where a search engine only searches in
audiovisual files stored within a computer or, as it happens in
televisions, on a private server where users access through a local area
network. These searchers are usually softwares or rich Internet
applications with a very specific search options for maximum speed
and efficiency when presenting the results. They are typically used for
large databases and are therefore highly focused to satisfy the needs of
television companies. An example of this type of software would be
the Digition Suite, which apart from being a benchmark in this kind of
interfaces is very close to us as for the storage and retrieval files
system from the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals. [4]

This particular suite and perhaps in its strongest point is that it integrates the entire process of creating, indexing,
storing, searching, editing, and a recovery. Once we have a digitized audiovisual content is indexed with different
techniques of different level depending on the importance of content and it’s stored. The user, when he wants to
retrieve a particular file, has to fill a search fields such as program title, issue date, characters who act or the name of
the producer, and the robot starts the search. Once the results appear and they arranged according to preferences, the
user can play the low quality videos to work as quickly as possible. When he finds the desired content, it is
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