Digital Marketing Handbook

(ff) #1

Video search 64

  • Truveo is a Web-wide video search engine that was founded in 2004 and launched in September 2005. Truveo
    claims to index over 650 million videos from thousands of sources across the Web, and uses speech recognition
    and visual analysis in its search technology.

  • Spanish site, but allows search in English and shows results from many video sites, including local
    news websites.

  • VideoSurf [6] uses computer vision techniques to enhance its search results, and has mobile applications that
    query based on video captured with the phone camera.

  • yovisto is an academic video search engine for lecture recordings and scientific conference talks based on speech
    processing, OCR, and user annotation.

Non-agnostic search

Search results are modified, or suspect, due to the large hosted video being given preferential treatment in search

  • AOL Video offers a leading video search engine that can be used to find video located on popular video
    destinations across the web. In December 2005, AOL acquired Truveo Video Search.

  • Google Videos is a popular video search engine which used to permit its visitors to upload videos. It searches
    YouTube and many other video hosting sites.

  • Yahoo! Video Search Yahoo!'s search engine examines video files on the internet using its Media RSS standard.
    Is found on a direct link called "Video" off the main page above the text block.

[ 1 ]http:/ / http://www. youtube. com/
[ 2 ]http:/ / talkminer. com/
[ 3 ](English) SEO by Google central webmaster (http:/ / http://www. google. com/ support/ webmasters/ bin/ answer. py?hl=en& answer=35291)
[ 4 ](Catalan) Digitalize or die (Alícia Conesa) (http:/ / escac. documentacioinformativa. com/ sessio1/ lectures/ digition. pdf)
[ 5 ](Catalan) Digition Suite from Activa Multimedia (http:/ / http://www. activamultimedia. com/ am/ v_portal/ herramientas/ generarpdf.
php?te=26& idm=2)
[ 6 ]http:/ / http://www. videosurf. com

External links

  • Process of search engines How Stuff Works (http:/ / http://www. howstuffworks. com/ search-engine. htm) (English)

  • Text query in Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals (Ramon Salla) (http:/ / escac.
    documentacioinformativa. com/ sessio1/ lectures/ digition. pdf)(Catalan)

  • Blinkx search engine (http:/ / websearch. about. com/ od/ imagesearch/ a/ blinkx. htm) (English)

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