Left and Right in Global Politics

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the latter more pessimistic about humanity but more satisfied with the
status quo. Table2.4 presents results in line with these predictions.
On a world scale, people on the right tend to be less trustful and to
believe that one needs to be very careful in dealing with people. They
are, however, more satisfied with their life and happier. There are, of
course, numerous determinants of happiness, including a person’s
economic and social situation and religious faith, and it is not our aim

Table 2.3.Relationships between left–right self-placement and qualities
respondents find important to encourage in children, on a world scale,

Independence 0.035
Hard work 0.027

Feeling of responsibility 0.024
Imagination 0.043

Tolerance and respect for other people 0.029
Thrift, saving money and things 0.026

Determination, perseverance 0.024
Religious faith 0.093

Unselfishness 0.016
Obedience 0.035

Note:All these correlations are significant at 0.001 level (***).
Source:World Values Survey.

Table 2.4.Relationships between left–right self-placement and
attitudes toward life, on a world scale, 1999–2001

Generally speaking, would you say that most people
can be trusted (1), or that you need to be very careful
in dealing with people (2)?


All things considered, how satisfied are you with your
life as a whole these days? Choose a score between 1
(dissatisfied) and 10 (satisfied).


Taking all things together, would you say you are
very happy (1), quite happy (2), not very happy (3), or
not at all happy (4)?


Note:All these correlations are significant at 0.001 level (***).
Source:World Values Survey.

A worldwide value divide 45

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