The History of Mathematics: A Brief Course

(coco) #1

Since Berlin would not award the degree, he wrote to the more liberal University

of Gottingen and requested that the degree be granted in absentia. It was, and one

of the three papers became a classic work in differential equations, published the

following year in the most distinguished German journal, the Journal fur die reine

und angewandte Mathematik.

The next eight years may well be described as Kovalevskaya's wandering in

the intellectual wilderness. She and Vladimir, who had obtained a doctorate in

geology from the University of Jena, returned to Russia; but neither found an

academic position commensurate with their talents. They began to invest in real

estate, in the hope of gaining the independent wealth they would need to pursue

their scientific interests. In 1878 Kovalevskaya gave birth to a daughter, Sof'ya

Vladimirovna Kovalevskaya (1878- 1951). Soon afterward, their investments failed,

and they were forced to declare bankruptcy. Vladimir's life began to unravel at

this point, and Kovalevskaya, knowing that she would have to depend on herself,

reopened her mathematical contacts and began to attend mathematical meetings.

Recognizing the gap in her resume since her dissertation, she asked Weierstrass for

a problem to work on in order to re-establish her credentials. While she was in Paris

in the spring of 1883, Vladimir (back in Russia) committed suicide, leading Sof'ya to

an intense depression that nearly resulted in her own death. When she recovered,

she resumed work on the problem Weierstrass that had given her. Meanwhile,

Weierstrass and his student Gosta Mittag-Lefflcr (1846-1927) collaborated to find

her a teaching position at the newly founded institution in Stockholm.^11 At first

she was Privatdozent, meaning that she was paid a certain amount for each student

she taught. After the first year, she received a regular salary. She was to spend the

last eight years of her life teaching at this institution.

In the mid- 1880s, Kovalevskaya made a second mathematical discovery of pro-

found importance. Mathematical physics is made complicated by the fact that

the differential equations used to describe even simple, idealized cases of physical

laws are extremely difficult to solve. The obstacle consists of two parts. First,

the equations must be reduced to a set of integrals to be evaluated; second, those

integrals must be computed. In many important cases, such as the equations of the

three-body problem, the first is impossible using only algebraic methods. When

it is possible, the second is often impossible using only elementary functions. For

example, the equation of pendulum motion can be reduced to an integral, but that

integral involves the square root of a cubic or quartic polynomial; it is known as

an elliptic integral. The six equations of motion for a rigid body in general cannot

be reduced to integrals at all using only algebraic surfaces. In Kovalevskaya's day

only two special cases were known in which such a reduction was possible, and the

integrals in both cases were elliptic integrals. Only in the case of bodies satisfying

the hypotheses of both of these cases simultaneously were the integrals elementary.

With Weierstrass, however, Kovalevskaya had studied not merely elliptic integrals,

but integrals of completely arbitrary algebraic functions. Such integrals were known

as Abelian integrals after Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829), the first person to make

significant progress in studying them. She was not daunted by the prospect of

working with such integrals, since she knew that the secret of taming them was to

use the functions known as theta functions, which had been introduced earlier by

Abel and his rival in the creation of elliptic function theory, Carl Gustav Jacobi

(^11) It is now the University of Stockholm.

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