The History of Mathematics: A Brief Course

(coco) #1

physical bodies from various points of view, formulated the Merton rule of uniformly

accelerated motion (named for Merton College, Oxford), and for the first time in

history explicitly used one line to represent time, a line perpendicular to it to

represent velocity, and the area under the graph (as we would call it) to represent


Regiomontanus. The work of translating the Greek and Arabic mathematical works

went on for several centuries. One of the last to work on this project was Johann

Miiller of Konigsberg (1436-1476), better known by his Latin name of Regiomon-

tanus, a translation of Konigsberg (King's Mountain). Although he died young,

Regiomontanus made valuable contributions to astronomy, mathematics, and the

construction of scientific measuring instruments. In all this he bears a strong re-

semblance to al-Tusi, mentioned above. He studied in Leipzig while a teenager,

then spent a decade in Vienna and the decade following in Italy and Hungary. The

last five years of his life were spent in Nurnberg. He is said to have died of an

epidemic while in Rome as a consultant to the Pope on the reform of the calendar.

Regiomontanus checked the data in copies of Ptolemy's Almagest and made

new observations with his own instruments. He laid down a challenge to astron-

omy, remarking that further improvement in theoretical astronomy, especially the

theory of planetary motion, would require more accurate measuring instruments.

He established his own printing press in Nurnberg so that he could publish his

works. These works included several treatises on pure mathematics. He established

trigonometry as an independent branch of mathematics rather than a tool in as-

tronomy. The main results we now know as plane and spherical trigonometry are

in his book De triangulis omnimodis, although not exactly in the language we now


Chuquet. The French Bibliotheque Nationale is in possession of the original man-

uscript of a comprehensive mathematical treatise written at Lyons in 1484 by one

Nicolas Chuquet. Little is known about the author, except that he describes himself

as a Parisian and a man possessing the degree of Bachelor of Medicine. The treatise

consists of four parts: a treatise on arithmetic and algebra called Triparty en la

science des nombres, a book of problems to illustrate and accompany the principles

of the Triparty, a book on geometrical mensuration, and a book of commercial

arithmetic. The last two are applications of the principles in the first book.

Luca Pacioli. Written at almost the same time as Chuquet's Triparty was a work

called the Summa de arithmetica, geometrica, proportioni et proportionalite by

Luca Pacioli (or Paciuolo) (1445-1517). Since Chuquet's work was not printed until

the nineteenth century, Pacioli's work is believed to be the first Western printed

work on algebra. In comparison with the Triparty, however, the Summa seems

less original. Pacioli has only a few abbreviations, such as co for cosa, meaning

thing (the unknown), ce for censo (the square of the unknown), and <E for <Equitur

(equals). Despite its inferiority to the Triparty, the Summa was much the more

influential of the two books, because it was published. It is referred to by the Italian

algebraists of the early sixteenth century as a basic source.

Leon Battista Alberti. In art the fifteenth century was a period of innovation. In an

effort to give the illusion of depth in two-dimensional representations some artists

looked at geometry from a new point of view, studying the projection of two- and

three-dimensional shapes in two dimensions to see what properties were preserved
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