The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 6: Leadership and teambuilding 131

2 Planning

This key activity for any team or organisation requires a search for
alternatives and that is best done with others in an open-minded,
encouraging and creative way. Foreseeable contingencies should
always be planned for.
Planning requires that the what, why, when, how, where and who
questions are answered. Plans should be tested...



Checklist to test plans
Have I called upon specialist advice?
Have all feasible courses of action been considered and
weighed up in terms of resources needed/available and
Has a programme been established which will achieve the
Is there a provision for contingencies?
Were more creative solutions searched for as a basis for
the plan?
Is the plan simple and as foolproof as possible, rather
than complicated?
Does the plan include necessary preparation or training
of the team and its members?
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