The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

(Tuis.) #1
You should decide what each type of meeting you are to be involved
with actually is and plan to run each type as time efficiently as
possible depending on their purpose.
Being aware of the cost of meetings will focus the mind and planning
will focus your actions. Minutes to record actions agreed and
responsibilities should be in a form to give ease of follow-up and
subsequent checking.

Delegating effectively

Delegation is entrusting a job to another who is also given the
authority to do it. It is vital to be clear that delegation is not
abdication – to give up your power to another would be an evasion
of responsibility.
The benefits of delegation are that it gives you more time to carry
out your key functions and to develop your subordinates.You are
freed to spend more time on management and leadership and you
are able to concentrate on such areas as:

  • strategic and development issues

  • knotty problems

  • staff appointments/development/training

  • key marketing/quality issues

  • emerging from your office to hear what staff/customers can tell
    you about your business

  • communicating with more of your staff.

Chapter 1: Time management 21
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