The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

(Tuis.) #1

If you find yourself suffering from stress then you must:

1 do something about it: look at the stress factors and
assess what can be done to change your life at work/home.

2 express yourself: talk to people about how you are feeling
and the concerns you have (even directly to a person who
might be causing part of your stress).

3 evaluate priorities: check the balance of your life, take
stock of activities and priorities and change them if

4 accept what you cannot control: have the courage to
change the things that can be changed, the serenity to
accept the things that cannot be changed and the wisdom
to know the difference.

5 use your negative experience to positively change your

6 use time management skills to take charge of your time
and how it is spent, particularly making time to deal with
stress causing problems. Get them out of the way.

7 count your blessings – list those things that you are
pleased with, about yourself or achievements. Do not over
concentrate on the past (guilt) or the future (anxiety).

8 ask yourself – what is the worst that can happen and can
I cope with that? Use this to reduce anxiety about an issue.

Chapter 1: Time management 27
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