The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

(Tuis.) #1


Decision-making, along with leadership and communication is one
of the top three attributes a successful manager needs. It is a direct
result of ‘thinking’ and you need to be able to ‘think until it hurts’.
Decision-making is directed to reaching a goal/objective. It is about
the how, what, why, when (and where) of a course of action and of
how to overcome obstacles and to solve problems. Decision-making
is what turns thought into action: it implies change and requires a
decision to be made against a background of uncertainty and risk.
(In this chapter the use of the term ‘decision-making’ embraces

Decision-making skills

You need to be able to choose the action or course of action that
is the best for you/your organisation to meet its objective(s). An
effective decision is one that produces the goods, ie gives the
desired end result.
It is important to be able to project ahead, to take the expected and
unexpected into account, to have contingency plans in case events
intrude in such a way as will turn a good decision into a bad one.
There are usually several different decisions that can be taken and
pressure to decide. Decide you must, even if trial and error are then
used to assess the decision, amend it or overturn it.
Fear of failure must not serve to make you risk-averse, rather it should
push you harder to ‘think until it hurts’.

The effective decision has these six elements:
1 Defining the objective
2 Gathering sufficient information
3 Identifying the feasible options

42 The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

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