The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership

(Tuis.) #1

Introduction................................................................................................................. Creativity and innovation


There are a number of obstacleswhich inhibit creativity. The seven main
ones are:
1 Negativity
2 Fear of failure
3 Lack of quality thinking time
4 Over-conformance with rules and regulations
5 Making assumptions
6 Applying too much logic
7 Thinking you are not creative.

These obstacles can be seen in this identi-kit profile of the non-
creative person; someone who is:

  • not able to think positively about problems (and does not see
    them as opportunities)

  • too busy or stressed to think objectively or at all

  • very self-critical

  • timid in putting forward a new idea (fearing ridicule)

  • viewed as a conformist by friends/colleagues

  • prone to apply logic as a first and last resort

  • sceptical that many people are capable of being creative

  • unable to think laterally

  • uninspired even when confronted with a new idea.
    On the other hand, creativity can be encouraged in people (including
    oneself) by exploring some of the qualities and characteristics of
    creative thinkers and the activities/steps that can be undertaken to
    improve the processes involved.

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