Mastering Web Application

(Rick Simeone) #1
Backbone.js Testing
ISBN: 978-1-78216-524-8 Paperback: 168 pages

Plan, architect, and develop tests for Backbone.js
applications using modern testing principles
and practices

  1. Create comprehensive test infrastructures

  2. Understand and utilize modern frontend
    testing techniques and libraries

  3. Use mocks, spies, and fakes to effortlessly
    test and observe complex Backbone.js
    application behavior

  4. Automate tests to run from the command line,
    shell, or practically anywhere

Ext JS 4 Web Application
Development Cookbook
ISBN: 978-1-84951-686-0 Paperback: 488 pages
Over 110 easy-to-follow recipes backed up with
real-life examples, walking you through basic Ext
JS features to advanced application design using
Sencha's Ext JS

  1. Learn how to build Rich Internet Applications
    with the latest version of the Ext JS framework
    in a cookbook style

  2. From creating forms to theming your
    interface, you will learn the building blocks for
    developing the perfect web application

  3. Easy to follow recipes step through practical
    and detailed examples which are all fully
    backed up with code, illustrations, and tips

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