(Barry) #1

Deepa Narayan is former Senior Advisor in the Poverty

Reduction and Economic Management Network of the World


Isabel Ortiz is Associate Director, Policy and Practice, UNICEF.

Paola Pereznieto is Research Fellow in the Social Development

Programme at Overseas Development Institute (ODI).

Kate Pickett is Professor of Epidemiology at the University of

York and a National Institute for Health Research Career Scientist.

Amjad Rabi is Social Policy Specialist, UNICEF Zimbabwe.

José Manuel Roche is Research Officer at Oxford Poverty and

Human Development Initiative (OPHI).

Andy Sumner is Research Fellow at the Institute of Development

Studies (IDS) and Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Global

Development (CGD).

Timo Voipio is Chair of the Poverty Reduction Network

(POVNET), OECD-DAC Paris, and Senior Adviser for Global

Social Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Finland.

Richard Wilkinson is Professor Emeritus of Social Epidemiology

at the University of Nottingham.

Jennifer Yablonski is Social Protection Specialist at the Social

Policy and Economic Analysis Unit, Division of Policy and

Practice, UNICEF.

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