Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1
4.4 Recursive-Descent Parsing 187

language. The characteristics of a grammar that allows a recursive-descent
parser to be built are discussed in the following subsection.

4.4.2 The LL Grammar Class

Before choosing to use recursive descent as a parsing strategy for a compiler or
other program analysis tool, one must consider the limitations of the approach,
in terms of grammar restrictions. This section discusses these restrictions and
their possible solutions.
One simple grammar characteristic that causes a catastrophic problem for
LL parsers is left recursion. For example, consider the following rule:

A recursive-descent parser subprogram for A immediately calls itself to parse
the first symbol in its RHS. That activation of the A parser subprogram then
immediately calls itself again, and again, and so forth. It is easy to see that this
leads nowhere (except to a stack overflow).
The left recursion in the rule A→A+B is called direct left recursion,
because it occurs in one rule. Direct left recursion can be eliminated from a
grammar by the following process:
For each nonterminal, A,

  1. Group the A-rules as A→A 1 , cAm   1   2  c  n
    where none of the >s begins with A

  2. Replace the original A-rules with

A→ 1 A   2 A  c  nA
A→ 1 A   2 A  mA
Note that specifies the empty string. A rule that has as its RHS is called an
erasure rule, because its use in a derivation effectively erases its LHS from the
sentential form.
Consider the following example grammar and the application of the
above process:

E→E+T  T
T→T * F  F
F→(E)  id
For the E-rules, we have  1 =+ T and =T, so we replace the E-rules with

E→+ T E 
For the T-rules, we have  1 =* F and =F, so we replace the T-rules with

T→* F T 
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