16 Chapter 1 Preliminaries Exception Handling
The ability of a program to intercept run-time errors (as well as other unusual
conditions detectable by the program), take corrective measures, and then
continue is an obvious aid to reliability. This language facility is called excep-
tion handling. Ada, C++, Java, and C# include extensive capabilities for
exception handling, but such facilities are practically nonexistent in many
widely used languages, including C and Fortran. Exception handling is dis-
cussed in Chapter 14. Aliasing
Loosely defined, aliasing is having two or more distinct names that can be
used to access the same memory cell. It is now widely accepted that aliasing
is a dangerous feature in a programming language. Most programming lan-
guages allow some kind of aliasing—for example, two pointers set to point to
the same variable, which is possible in most languages. In such a program, the
programmer must always remember that changing the value pointed to by one
of the two changes the value referenced by the other. Some kinds of aliasing,
as described in Chapters 5 and 9 can be prohibited by the design of a language.
In some languages, aliasing is used to overcome deficiencies in the lan-
guage’s data abstraction facilities. Other languages greatly restrict aliasing to
increase their reliability. Readability and Writability
Both readability and writability influence reliability. A program written in a
language that does not support natural ways to express the required algorithms
will necessarily use unnatural approaches. Unnatural approaches are less likely
to be correct for all possible situations. The easier a program is to write, the
more likely it is to be correct.
Readability affects reliability in both the writing and maintenance phases
of the life cycle. Programs that are difficult to read are difficult both to write
and to modify.
1.3.4 Cost
The total cost of a programming language is a function of many of its
First, there is the cost of training programmers to use the language, which
is a function of the simplicity and orthogonality of the language and the experi-
ence of the programmers. Although more powerful languages are not neces-
sarily more difficult to learn, they often are.
Second, there is the cost of writing programs in the language. This is a
function of the writability of the language, which depends in part on its close-
ness in purpose to the particular application. The original efforts to design and