374 Chapter 8 Statement-Level Control Structures
foreach (String name in names)
In Ruby, a block is a sequence of code, delimited by either braces or the do
and end reserved words. Blocks can be used with specially written methods to
create many useful constructs, including iterators for data structures. This con-
struct consists of a method call followed by a block. A block is actually an anony-
mous method that is sent to the method (whose call precedes it) as a parameter.
The called method can then call the block, which can produce output or objects.
Ruby predefines several iterator methods, such as times and upto for
counter-controlled loops, and each for simple iterations of arrays and hashes.
For example, consider the following example of using times:
>> 4.times {puts "Hey!"}
=> 4
Note that >> is the prompt of the interactive Ruby interpreter and => is used
to indicate the return value of the expression. The Ruby puts statement dis-
plays its parameter. In this example, the times method is sent to the object 4 ,
with the block sent along as a parameter. The times method calls the block
four times, producing the four lines of output. The destination object, 4 , is the
return value from times.
The most common Ruby iterator is each, which is often used to go
through arrays and apply a block to each element.^6 For this purpose, it is con-
venient to allow blocks to have parameters, which, if present, appear at the
beginning of the block, delimited by vertical bars (). The following example,
which uses a block parameter, illustrates the use of each:
>> list = [2, 4, 6, 8]
=> [2, 4, 6, 8]
>> list.each {|value| puts value}
=> [2, 4, 6, 8]
In this example, the block is called for each element of the array to which the
each method is sent. The block produces the output, which is a list of the
array’s elements. The return value of each is the array to which it is sent.
- This is similar to the map functions discussed in Chapter 15.