Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1


On Paradigms and Better Programming

Bjarne Stroustrup is the designer and original implementer of C++ and the author
of The C++ Programming Language and The Design and Evolution of C++. His
research interests include distributed systems, simulation, design, programming, and
programming languages. Dr. Stroustrup is the College of Engineering Professor in
Computer Science at Texas A&M University. He is actively involved in the ANSI/ISO
standardization of C++. After more than two decades at AT&T, he retains a link with
AT&T Labs, doing research as a member of the Information and Software Systems
Research Lab. He is an ACM Fellow, an AT&T Bell Laboratories Fellow, and an
AT&T Fellow. In 1993, Stroustrup received the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
“for his early work laying the foundations for the C++ programming language. Based
on the foundations and Dr. Stroustrup’s continuing efforts, C++ has become one of
the most influential programming languages in the history of computing.”


Your thoughts on the object-oriented paradigm:
Its pluses and minuses. Let me first say what I
mean by OOP—too many people think that “object-
oriented” is simply a synonym for “good.” If so, there
would be no need for other paradigms. The key to OO
is the use of class hierarchies providing polymorphic
behavior through some rough equivalent of virtual
functions. For proper OO, it is important to avoid
directly accessing the data in such a hierarchy and to
use only a well-designed functional interface.
In addition to its well-documented strengths,
object-oriented programming also has obvious weak-
nesses. In particular, not every concept naturally fits
into a class hierarchy, and the mechanisms supporting
object-oriented programming can impose significant
overheads compared to alternatives. For many simple
abstractions, classes that do not rely on hierarchies
and run-time binding provide a simpler and more
efficient alternative. Furthermore, where no run-time
resolution is needed, generic programming relying on
(compile-time) parametric polymorphism is a better
behaved and more efficient approach.

So, C++: Is it OO or other? C++ supports several
paradigms—including OOP, generic programming, and
procedural programming—and combinations of these
paradigms define multiparadigm programming as
supporting more than one programming style (“para-
digm”) and combinations of those styles.
Do you have a mini-example of multiparadigm
programming? Consider this variant of the classic
“collection of shapes” examples (originating from
the early days of the first language to support object-
oriented programming: Simula 67):
void draw_all(const vector<Shape*>& vs)
for (int i = 0; i<vs.size(); ++i)
Here, I use the generic container vector together
with the polymorphic type Shape. The vector
provides static type safety and optimal run-time per-
formance. The Shape provides the ability to handle
a Shape (i.e., any object of a class derived from
Shape) without recompilation.


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