Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1
13.6 Ada Support for Concurrency 595

A task body must include some syntactic form of the entry points that
correspond to the entry clauses in that task’s specification part. In Ada, these
task body entry points are specified by clauses that are introduced by the
accept reserved word. An accept clause is defined as the range of state-
ments beginning with the accept reserved word and ending with the matching
end reserved word. accept clauses are themselves relatively simple, but other
constructs in which they can be embedded can make their semantics complex.
A simple accept clause has the form

accept entry_name (formal parameters) do

end entry_name;

The accept entry name matches the name in an entry clause in the associ-
ated task specification part. The optional parameters provide the means of
communicating data between the caller and the called task. The statements
between the do and the end define the operations that take place during the
rendezvous. These statements are together called the accept clause body.
During the actual rendezvous, the sender task is suspended.
Whenever an accept clause receives a message that it is not willing
to accept, for whatever reason, the sender task must be suspended until the
accept clause in the receiver task is ready to accept the message. Of course, the
accept clause must also remember the sender tasks that have sent messages
that were not accepted. For this purpose, each accept clause in a task has a
queue associated with it that stores a list of other tasks that have unsuccessfully
attempted to communicate with it.
The following is the skeletal body of the task whose specification was given

task body Task_Example is
accept Entry_1(Item : in Integer) do

end Entry_1;
end loop;
end Task_Example;

The accept clause of this task body is the implementation of the entry
named Entry_1 in the task specification. If the execution of Task_Example
begins and reaches the Entry_1 accept clause before any other task sends
a message to Entry_1, Task_Example is suspended. If another task sends
a message to Entry_1 while Task_Example is suspended at its accept, a
rendezvous occurs and the accept clause body is executed. Then, because of
the loop, execution proceeds back to the accept. If no other task has sent a
message to Entry_1, execution is again suspended to wait for the next message.

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