13.7 Java Threads 611
int new_item;
while (true) {
//-- Create a new_item
class Consumer extends Thread {
private Queue buffer;
public Consumer(Queue que) {
buffer = que;
public void run() {
int stored_item;
while (true) {
stored_item = buffer.fetch();
//-- Consume the stored_item
The following code creates a Queue object, and a Producer and a Con-
sumer object, both attached to the Queue object, and starts their execution:
Queue buff1 = new Queue(100);
Producer producer1 = new Producer(buff1);
Consumer consumer1 = new Consumer(buff1);
We could define one or both of the Producer and the Consumer as imple-
mentations of the Runnable interface rather than as subclasses of Thread.
The only difference is in the first line, which would now appear as
class Producer implements Runnable {... }
To create and run an object of such a class, it is still necessary to create a
Thread object that is connected to the object. This is illustrated in the fol-
lowing code:
Producer producer1 = new Producer(buff1);
Thread producerThread = new Thread(producer1);
Note that the buffer object is passed to the Producer constructor and the
Producers object is passed to the Thread constructor.