618 Chapter 13 Concurrency
tasks. The availability of the concurrent collection classes is another advantage
C# has over the other nonfunctional languages discussed in this chapter.
13.9 Concurrency in Functional Languages
This section provides a brief overview of support for concurrency in several
functional programming languages.
13.9.1 Multilisp
Multilisp (Halstead, 1985) is an extension to Scheme that allows the pro-
grammer to specify program parts that can be executed concurrently.
These forms of concurrency are implicit; the programmer is simply telling
the compiler (or interpreter) some parts of the program that can be run
One of the ways a programmer can tell the system about possible con-
currency is the pcall construct. If a function call is embedded in a pcall
construct, the parameters to the function can be evaluated concurrently. For
example, consider the following pcall construct:
(pcall f a b c d)
The function is f, with parameters a, b, c, and d. The effect of pcall is
that the parameters of the function can be evaluated concurrently (any or all
of the parameters could be complicated expressions). Unfortunately, whether
this process can be safely used, that is, without affecting the semantics of the
function evaluation, is the responsibility of the programmer. This is actually a
simple matter if the language does not allow side effects or if the programmer
designed the function not to have side effects or at least to have limited ones.
However, Multilisp does allow some side effects. If the function was not writ-
ten to avoid side effects, it may be difficult for the programmer to determine
whether pcall can be safely used.
The future construct of Multilisp is a more interesting and potentially
more productive source of concurrency. As with pcall, a function call is
wrapped in a future construct. Such a function is evaluated in a separate
thread, with the parent thread continuing its execution. The parent thread
continues until it needs to use the return value of the function. If the function
has not completed its execution when its result is needed, the parent thread
waits until it has before it continues.
If a function has two or more parameters, they can also be wrapped in
future constructs, in which case their evaluations can be done concurrently
in separate threads.
These are the only additions to Scheme in Multilisp.