14.1 Introduction to Exception Handling 633
The presence of exception handling in the language would permit the com-
piler to insert machine code for such checks before every array element access,
greatly shortening and simplifying the source program.
Another advantage of language support for exception handling results from
exception propagation. Exception propagation allows an exception raised in
one program unit to be handled in some other unit in its dynamic or static
ancestry. This allows a single exception handler to be used for any number of
different program units. This reuse can result in significant savings in develop-
ment cost, program size, and program complexity.
A language that supports exception handling encourages its users to con-
sider all of the events that could occur during program execution and how they
can be handled. This approach is far better than not considering such possi-
bilities and simply hoping nothing will go wrong. This advantage is related to
requiring a multiple-selector construct to include actions for all possible values
of the control expression, as is required by Ada.
Finally, there are programs in which dealing with nonerroneous but
unusual situations can be simplified with exception handling, and in which
program structure can become overly convoluted without it.
14.1.2 Design Issues
We now explore some of the design issues for an exception-handling system
when it is part of a programming language. Such a system might allow both
predefined and user-defined exceptions and exception handlers. Note that
predefined exceptions are implicitly raised, whereas user-defined exceptions
must be explicitly raised by user code. Consider the following skeletal subpro-
gram that includes an exception-handling mechanism for an implicitly raised
void example() {
average = sum / total;
/ Exception handlers /
when zero_divide {
average = 0;
printf("Error–divisor (total) is zero\n");
The exception of division by zero, which is implicitly raised, causes control to
transfer to the appropriate handler, which is then executed.
The first design issue for exception handling is how an exception occur-
rence is bound to an exception handler. This issue occurs on two different