Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1

752 Chapter 16 Logic Programming Languages

by ordering the database statements to optimize a particular application. For
example, if the user knows that certain rules are much more likely to succeed
than the others during a particular “execution,” then the program can be made
more efficient by placing those rules first in the database.
In addition to allowing the user to control database and subgoal order-
ing, Prolog, in another concession to efficiency, allows some explicit control
of backtracking. This is done with the cut operator, which is specified by an
exclamation point (!). The cut operator is actually a goal, not an operator. As a
goal, it always succeeds immediately, but it cannot be resatisfied through back-
tracking. Thus, a side effect of the cut is that subgoals to its left in a compound
goal also cannot be resatisfied through backtracking. For example, in the goal

a, b, !, c, d.

if both a and b succeed but c fails, the whole goal fails. This goal would be used
if it were known that whenever c fails, it is a waste of time to resatisfy b or a.
The purpose of the cut then is to allow the user to make programs more
efficient by telling the system when it should not attempt to resatisfy subgoals
that presumably could not result in a complete proof.
As an example of the use of the cut operator, consider the member rules
from Section 16.6.7, which are:

member(Element, [Element | _]).
member(Element, [_ | List]) :- member(Element, List).

If the list argument to member represents a set, then it can be satisfied only
once (sets contain no duplicate elements). Therefore, if member is used as a
subgoal in a multiple subgoal goal statement, there can be a problem. The
problem is that if member succeeds but the next subgoal fails, backtracking will
attempt to resatisfy member by continuing a prior match. But because the list
argument to member has only one copy of the element to begin with, member
cannot possibly succeed again, which eventually causes the whole goal to fail,
in spite of any additional attempts to resatisfy member. For example, consider
the goal:

dem_candidate(X) :- member(X, democrats), tests(X).

This goal determines whether a given person is a democrat and is a good
candidate to run for a particular position. The tests subgoal checks a variety
of characteristics of the given democrat to determine the suitability of the
person for the position. If the set of democrats has no duplicates, then we
do not want to back up to the member subgoal if the tests subgoal fails,
because member will search all of the other democrats but fail, because there
are no duplicates. The second attempt of member subgoal will be a waste of
computation time. The solution to this inefficiency is to add a right side to
the first statement of the member definition, with the cut operator as the sole
element, as in
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