Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1

756 Chapter 16 Logic Programming Languages

which would succeed, because its argument had failed. Finally, the result, which
is X, would be printed. But X would not be currently instantiated, so the system
would indicate that. Generally, uninstantiated variables are printed in the form
of a string of digits preceded by an underscore. So, the fact that Prolog’s not is
not equivalent to a logical NOT can be, at the very least, misleading.
The fundamental reason why logical NOT cannot be an integral part of
Prolog is the form of the Horn clause:

A :- B 1 x B 2 x... x Bn

If all the B propositions are true, it can be concluded that A is true. But regard-
less of the truth or falseness of any or all of the B’s, it cannot be concluded that
A is false. From positive logic, one can conclude only positive logic. Thus, the
use of Horn clause form prevents any negative conclusions.

16.7.4 Intrinsic Limitations

A fundamental goal of logic programming, as stated in Section 16.4, is to pro-
vide nonprocedural programming; that is, a system by which programmers
specify what a program is supposed to do but need not specify how that is to be
accomplished. The example given there for sorting is rewritten here:

sort(old_list, new_list) permute(old_list, new_list) x sorted(new_list)
sorted(list) 5 j such that 1...j 6 n, list( j)...list( j+1)

It is straightforward to write this in Prolog. For example, the sorted subgoal
can be expressed as

sorted ([]).
sorted ([x]).
sorted ([x, y | list]) :- x <= y, sorted ([y | list]).

The problem with this sort process is that it has no idea of how to sort, other
than simply to enumerate all permutations of the given list until it happens to
create the one that has the list in sorted order—a very slow process, indeed.
So far, no one has discovered a process by which the description of a sorted
list can be transformed into some efficient algorithm for sorting. Resolution is
capable of many interesting things, but certainly not this. Therefore, a Prolog
program that sorts a list must specify the details of how that sorting can be
done, as is the case in an imperative or functional language.
Do all of these problems mean that logic programming should be aban-
doned? Absolutely not! As it is, it is capable of dealing with many useful appli-
cations. Furthermore, it is based on an intriguing concept and is therefore
interesting in and of itself. Finally, there is the possibility that new inferencing
techniques will be developed that will allow a logic programming language
system to efficiently deal with progressively larger classes of problems.
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