Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 777

systems software in, 6
trade-offs in, 23
Call chains, 450
dynamic binding of method,
indirect, 419–421
semantics of subprogram,442
Cambridge Polish, 679
Cambridge University, 77
Camel notation, 205
Caml, 52
canonical LR algorithm, 193
CAR functions, 687–688,
Case expressions, 357–359
Case sensitivity, 206
case statements, 75, 359–361
catch, 643, 648–649
Category interfaces, 550
C-based languages, 204–206
CBL (Common Business
Language), 59
CDE (Solaris Common Desktop
Environment), 31
CDR functions, 687–688,
Celes, Waldemar, 100
central processing units (CPUs),
CGI (Common Gateway Interface),
97, 99
chain_offset, 455
Chambers, Craig, 548
char arrays, 250–251, 265
char ordinal types, 255
Character string types
design issues for, 250
evaluation of, 253
implementation of, 253–255
string length options in,
string operations in, 250–252
type checking in, 302–303
Checked exceptions, 650

Child library packages, 562
Child packages, 562
Chomsky, Noam, 117
Church, Alonzo, 675
Cii Honeywell/Bull language, 82
Clark, K. L., 737
Clarke, L. A., 227
class instance records (CIRs),
Class methods, 527
Class variables, 527
abstract, 529, 547
derived, 526, 540–544
of exceptions, 647
inner, 555–556
interface abstract, 553–555
interlocked, 616
local nested, 556
nested, 533, 555–556, 558
parent, 526–527
sub, 526
super, 526
wrapper, 530
Clausal form, 350–351, 731–732
Clients, 477
Clocksin, W. F., 753
CLOS (Common LISP Object
System), 21, 701
Closed accept clauses, 599
Closed-world assumption, 754
Closures, 430–432
CML (Concurrent ML), 619
compiler implementation in,
computerizing business records
in, 58
design process for, 59–60
evaluation of, 60–63
FLO-MATIC and, 59
historical background of, 59
introduction to, 5–6
Code-building functions, SCHEME,

in arithmetic expressions,
for deproceduring, 74
in type checking, 302
Colmerauer, Alain, 79, 736
Column major order, 270
Common Business Language
(CBL), 59
Common Gateway Interface (CGI),
97, 99
Common Intermediate Language
(CIL), 512
Common LISP, 51–52, 699–701
Common LISP Object System
(CLOS), 21, 701
Communicating Sequential
Processes (CSP), 597
Communications of the ACM, 55,
Compatible types, 302, 530
Competition synchronization
in Ada, 599–601
in concurrency, generally,
introduction to, 581–585
in Java, 607–608
with monitors, 591
with semaphores, 589–590
Compiler design, 4
Compiler implementation, 24–28
Completed tasks, 601
Complex data types, 248
Compound assignment operators,
Compound terms, 729
Computer architecture, 18–20
in Ada, 594–603
C# threads in, 613–618
categories of, 579–580
competition synchronization
in, 589–591, 598–601,
in Concurrent ML, 619
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