Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1

784 Index

PHP vs., 99
pure interpretation in, 28
relational operators in, 333
JIT (Just-in-Time). see Just-in-
Time ( JIT) compilers
Jobs, Steve, 90
join methods, 604–606
JSP, 105–106
JSTL (Java Server Pages Standard
Tag Library), 22, 105–106
Just-in-Time ( JIT) compilers, 30

Kay, Alan, 85–86
Kemeny, John, 63–64
Kernighan, Brian, 95, 376
Keys, 272
Keyword parameters, 392
Keywords, 206
Knuth, Donald, 133, 193–194
Korn, David, 95
Kowalski, Robert
on logic-based semantic
networks, 758
Prolog by, 79, 736
ksh scripting language, 95
Kurtz, Thomas, 63

Lambda calculus, 675
Lambda expressions
introduction to, 675
in JavaScript, 716
in ML, 705
in Scheme, 682, 695
Language design
for Ada, 81–82
for ALGOL 58, 53–54
for ALGOL 60, 55–56
for ALGOL 68, 73
for BASIC, 63–64
for C#, 101–102
for C++, 88–89
categories in, 21–23

for COBOL, 59–60
computer architecture in,
evaluation criteria for, 7–18
for Fortran, 43
influences, 18–21
for Java, 91–92
for LISP, 48
methodologies for, 20–21
for PL/I, 69
for Prolog, 79
for SIMULA 67, 72–73
for Smalltalk, 85–86
syntax in, 12–13
trade-offs, 23
Language generators, 116–117
Language recognizers, 116
Language selection, 3
Laning and Zierler system, 43, 53
last statements, 371
Lazy approach, 299
Lazy evaluation, 710–712
LCF (Logic for Computable
Functions), 52
Learning new languages, 3–4
Left factoring, 189–190
Left recursive grammar rules, 128
Left-hand side (LHS)
in bottom-up parsers, 180, 191
in denotational semantics, 144
fundamentals of, 118–123
grammar rules for, 128
in LL parsers, 187–190
in LR parsing, 195
Leftmost derivations, 120–121
Lerdorf, Rasmus, 98
in declaration order, 221–223
in F#, 712–715
in ML, 281
Level numbers, 277
Lexemes, 115–116, 170–177
Lexical analysis
introduction to, 25–26,

overview of, 169–177
parsing in. see Parsing
summary of, 197–199
Lexical scoping, 219
Lifetime, 214–215, 229–230
Lightweight tasks, 581
Limited dynamic length strings,
Limited private types, 483
Linkers, 27, 444
Linking, 27
Linking and loading, 27
arithmetic expressions in, 324
artificial intelligence and, 47–48
Common, 51–52
data structures in, 49,
data types in, 677–678
descendants of, 51
design process for, 48
evaluation of, 50–51
functional programming in,
47–50, 677
interpreter in, 678–680
introduction to, 6
languages related to, 52
list processing and, 47–48
orthogonality in, 11
overview of, 49
Scheme and, 51
syntax of, 50
List comprehensions, 283
List functions, Scheme, 282–283
descriptions of, 119
functions of, 686–690
processing, 47–48
simple, 678, 691–692
structures of, 49–50, 746–751
types of, 281–284
Liveness, 585
LL algorithms, 179
LL grammar class, 187–190
Load modules, 27
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