Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 785

Loaders, 444
Local nested classes, 556
Local referencing environments,
Local variables, 218, 397–399
local_offset, 450
Locks, 612–613, 616–617
Locks-and-keys approach, 298
Logic for Computable Functions
(LCF), 52
Logic programming languages
applications of, 757–758
bibliographic notes on, 759
clausal form in, 731–732
defined, 728
expert systems and, 757–758
introduction to, 22, 728
overview of, 734–736
predicate calculus for,
problem set on, 760–761
programming exercises on,
Prolog. see Prolog
propositions in, 729–731
relational database
management systems
and, 757
summary of, 758–759
theorem-proving in, 732–734
Logical concurrency, 579
Logical pretest loops, 147,
Logically controlled loops,
long primitive type variables, 612
Loop invariants, 154–158
Loop parameters, 363
Loop variables, 363–364
counter-controlled, 363–368
defined, 362
logical pretest, 147, 154–158
logically controlled, 368–370
user-located, 370–371

Lost heap-dynamic variables, 293
Love, Tim, 90
LR parsers, 190, 193–197
anonymous functions in, 390
arrays in, 264, 272, 276
enumeration types in, 257
evolution of, 37, 100–101
global variables in, 399
Ierusalimschy on, 274–275
multiple assignments in, 340
nested subprograms in, 454
parameters in, 393–395
records in, 278
relational operators in, 333
selection statements in, 353
tables in, 276
L-value, 208–209

MAC OS X, 90
Mark-sweep garbage collection,
Markup languages, defined, 22
Markup/programming hybrid
languages, 104–106
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT). see MIT
(Massachusetts Institute of
match expressions, 288, 362
Matching subgoals, 740
Matching type parameters, 644
Mathematical functions,
Matsumoto, Yukihiro, 100
Mauchly, John, 40
McCabe, F. G., 737
McCarthy, John, 48, 677–680
McCracken, Daniel, 23
Meek coercion, 74
Mellish, C. S., 753
Member functions, 486, 539
Memory cells, 209
Memory leakage, 293

Message interfaces, 526
Message protocols, 526
binding dynamically. see
Dynamic binding
in object-oriented
programming, 525–527
passing, 593–594
MetaLanguage (ML), 52,
Metalanguages, 118
Metasymbols, 130
Method calls, 566–568
Methods, 526–527, 566–568
C# by, 101
JScript.NET by, 97
.NET computing platform by, 89
Visual BASIC by, 66–67
Visual Studio .NET by, 31
Milner, Robin, 52
MIL-STD 1815, 82
MIMD (Multiple-Instruction
Multiple-Data) computers, 578
Minsky, Marvin, 48
Miranda, 52
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of
AI Project at, 48
LISP at, 677
Scheme at, 51, 681
Mixed-mode assignment
statements, 341
Mixed-mode expressions,
Mixins, 550
ML (MetaLanguage), 52,
M-notation, 678, 690
Modules, 516–517
Monitors, 591–593
MSDOS.exe, 66–67
Multicast delegates, 421
Multilisp, 618
Multiparadigm programming, 536
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