Concepts of Programming Languages

(Sean Pound) #1

794 Index

Tuples, 280–281
Turing machines, 678
Turner, David, 52
twos complement, 247
Two-way selection statements
clause forms in, 350–351
control expressions for, 350
design issues for, 350
nesting selectors in, 351–354
selector expressions in, 354
in Ada enumeration types, 258
in Ada equivalence, 306–307
in Ada union types, 286, 289
in F#, 287
in ML, 281
Type, defined, 209
Type bindings
dynamic, 212–214
introduction to, 210
static, 211–212
Type checking
introduction to, 15
overview of, 302–303
parameters in, 408–410
Type conversions, 329–332
type enumeration type, 257, 261
Type equivalence, 304–308
Type errors, 303
Type inference, 211
typedef, 308

Unambiguous grammars, 123–126
Unary assignment data types,
Unary operators, 319
Unchecked exceptions, 650
Unconditional branch statements,
undef, 145–147
undefined, 264
Underflow, 332
Ungar, David, 548
Unicode, 249

Unification, 733, 759
Uninstantiated variables, 737
union, 285, 308
Union types
in Ada, 285–287
design issues for, 285
discriminated vs. free unions
in, 285
evaluation of, 288
in F#, 287–288
implementation of, 289
introduction to, 284
Unit-level concurrency. see
UNIVAC, 40–41
UNIVAC Scientific Exchange
(USE), 53
University of Aix-Marseille, 79,
University of Edinburgh, 79, 736
University of Utah, 85
programming environment of,
readability of, 13
systems software for, 6–7
Unlimited extent, 431
unsafe, C#, 296
USE (UNIVAC Scientific
Exchange), 53
use clause, 484, 516
abstract data types,
ordinal data types. see Ordinal
data types
overloaded data types, 430
User-located loop control mecha-
nisms, 370–371
using directive, 515

val statements, 341, 704–706
Value, 209
Value types, 290

var declarations, 211–212
addresses of, 208
defined, 245
names of, 208
names vs., 207–209
type of, 209
value of, 209
Variable-size cells, 301
VAX minicomputers, 10
VB (Visual BASIC), 13
VDL (Vienna Definition
Language), 142
Vector processors, 578
Vienna Definition Language
(VDL), 142
virtual method tables (vtables),
virtual reserved word,
545, 557
Visible variables, 218
Visual BASIC (VB), 13, 65–67
Visual languages, 22
Visual Studio, 22, 31
void, 11, 389–393
void * pointers, 295
vtables (virtual method tables),

wait semaphores, 586–590
Wall, Larry, 95
Weakest preconditions
in assignment statements,
in axiomatic semantics,
in logical pretest loops,
in sequences, 152–153
Web software, 7
Weinberger, Peter, 95
Well-definedness, 18
Wheeler, David J., 42
when clauses, 598–599
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