
(Nora) #1


7–Day Transition Phase

Transition phase as the name suggests, aids to changeover from a
detoxifying phase to pre-nourishing phase. The transition phase helps the
body to handle the byproducts released during the detoxi!cation phase
without a dip in energy levels.

The transition phase is primarily planned to help in a gentle change over
from an intense detox to mild detox in combination with nourishment for
the cells. The premise behind this is to rejuvenate the cells and revitalize
them and prepare them for the Phase 3 of the program.

week 2 menu explanation

During the transition phase the detoxi!cation continues at a mild to
moderate level with fewer detoxi!cation components build into the menu.
This is because even after the completion of 7-day detox menu, the body
continues to release the remnants of toxins. The mild degree of
detoxi!cation in the menu aids in completing this phase and preparing
the body for nourishment.

The transition phase is structured in such a way that the body gets equal
amount of detoxi!cation and nourishment. The simultaneous
nourishment ensures to ward o# fatigue, decrease and limit the detox

There is a mandatory inclusion of one green smoothie to re-oxygenate
the cells and tissues throughout the menu plan. The menu plan in
Transition phase is organized for each week to include the following:

  • Energy boosters

  • Colon cleansers

  • Liver & kidney health boosters

Transition Phase

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